Michael Moore at a book signing
MOORE: (while signing my book) Where can I get a good cheese steak?
ME: I'm a vegetarian
MOORE: Oh, well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! NEXT! (to woman behind me) Where can I get a good cheese steak?
WOMAN: I'm also a vegetarian
MOORE: Why are ALL my fans vegetarians!?
ME: We have problems with torture and murder for pleasure
I served Al Gore, Jimmy Carter and Nancy Reagan parmesan bread sticks at the Presidential Summit when I worked for Metropolitan Bakery their speeches on Welfare Reform infuriated me and the live gospel music made me want to shove a bread-stick up the ass of Christ to stop the music from celebrating the destruction of poor Americans and when skeletal Nancy creaked by I wanted to shout "MY FEET ARE SORE AND I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET SICK OR DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH!"


WOMAN: (whispers to me) He's so brave coming out of the closet
ME: BRAVE!? It's 2001! While he was busy writing about his gay life under a pseudonym and making millions on the stock market from the other side of a closet door others were getting their heads bashed in fighting to make it safe for his rich white ass to FINALLY come out of the dark!