Michael Moore at a book signing
MOORE: (while signing my book) Where can I get a good cheese steak?
ME: I'm a vegetarian
MOORE: Oh, well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! NEXT! (to woman behind me) Where can I get a good cheese steak?
WOMAN: I'm also a vegetarian
MOORE: Why are ALL my fans vegetarians!?
ME: We have problems with torture and murder for pleasure
I served Al Gore, Jimmy Carter and Nancy Reagan parmesan bread sticks at the Presidential Summit when I worked for Metropolitan Bakery their speeches on Welfare Reform infuriated me and the live gospel music made me want to shove a bread-stick up the ass of Christ to stop the music from celebrating the destruction of poor Americans and when skeletal Nancy creaked by I wanted to shout "MY FEET ARE SORE AND I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET SICK OR DIE YOU FUCKING BITCH!"
I served Oprah Winfrey a skinny mocha cappuccino and a low fat fruit bar when I worked at the Barnes & Noble cafe my coworker Paul cried when he told her how her show had saved his life and when she gave him a hug he wouldn't let go which was beautifully unnerving Oprah patting his back "Okay now...okay...okay...okay now"
Andrew Tobias signing copies of his books My Vast Fortune and The Best Little Boy in the World Grows Up
WOMAN: (whispers to me) He's so brave coming out of the closet
ME: BRAVE!? It's 2001! While he was busy writing about his gay life under a pseudonym and making millions on the stock market from the other side of a closet door others were getting their heads bashed in fighting to make it safe for his rich white ass to FINALLY come out of the dark!